Solutions Ergebnisorientiertes Investieren
Ein Ansatz für anspruchsvollere Zeiten
In our long experience as global investors, we understand investing to be the art and science of making decisions about the trade-offs between the opportunity for higher returns and the risk of pursuing those returns. Much of that information is not readily available to investors and sometimes those trade-offs are not always evident. To see them, we need the right information.
At the same time, portfolio managers (and often their clients) are increasingly required to be expert generalists on an expanding knowledge base that extends well beyond the domain of traditional finance, including technology, advanced quantitative methods, geopolitics and regulations. We believe portfolio management will only become more demanding, as technology advances, data proliferates and the financial markets continue to evolve.
This is why Invesco Investment Solutions (IIS) developed Invesco Vision: a decision support system for our clients and researchers, offering a broad set of capabilities intended to better understand the risks and trade-offs presented by assets and portfolios, and to identify solutions that are best aligned with investors’ specific preferences and objectives.
Invesco Vision combines analytical and diagnostic capabilities into a single solution that supports better decision-making — marrying the strengths of machine efficiency and transparency with human judgment and collaboration.
This executive summary distils the contents of our whitepaper, which includes the theoretical and mathematical background on the approaches and methods built into Invesco Vision, and 15 case studies that demonstrate how its capabilities can be used to develop a range of practical real-world investment solutions.
Alternatively, read the full Invesco Vision whitepaper.
Ein Ansatz für anspruchsvollere Zeiten
Die Renditen werden sich voraussichtlich noch länger auf einem niedrigen Niveau bewegen. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysieren wir, wie Investoren mit Hilfe von Faktoren potenziell bessere Anlageergebnisse aus ihren Portfolios erzielen können.
Wir beleuchten die Eigenschaften von Faktoren, zeigen auf, welche Faktoren für das Risikomanagement von besonderer Bedeutung sind und wie diese Analysetools einen besser informierten Ansatz der Risikosteuerung in diversifizierten Portfolios ermöglichen können.