Anleihen Global Fixed Income Strategy Monthly Report
In our regularly updated macroeconomic analysis we offer an outlook for interest rates and currencies – and look at which fixed income assets are favoured across a range of market environments.
Measured on a year-on-year percent change basis, M2 and M3 growth have both been accelerating in the US since late 2018.
There are two main reasons why broad money growth acceleration has occurred, and in this article, we explain how both factors have contributed.
The first factor has to do with the banking sector and its responses to changes in financial regulation and US Treasury funding strategy, whereas the second factor is associated with the so-called shadow banking sector, which has for a long time been relatively dormant..
In our regularly updated macroeconomic analysis we offer an outlook for interest rates and currencies – and look at which fixed income assets are favoured across a range of market environments.
Unserer Ansicht nach spricht aktuell so viel für Investitionen in Anleihen wie seit der globalen Finanzkrise nicht mehr. Die Anleiheexperten der Fixed Income Teams von Invesco teilen ihren Ausblick für die Anleihemärkte und die sich bietenden Chancen für Anleger.
Zu Beginn des Abschlussquartals 2024 werfen unsere Experten einen Blick zurück auf das „Jahr des Anleihemarktes“ und teilen ihre Einschätzungen zu den Aussichten für festverzinsliche Anlagen.