Finding investment opportunities in global equities
Investing in global equities gives investors a simple way to build a diversified stock portfolio that can perform in different market conditions. Find out more.
In this short video, Portfolio Manager Jonathan Brown provides an update on how the UK equity market fared in Q4 2021 and gives his outlook for the UK smaller companies sector.
Jonathan answers the following questions:
Finding investment opportunities in global equities
Investing in global equities gives investors a simple way to build a diversified stock portfolio that can perform in different market conditions. Find out more.
Where you’ll find the cheapest and most expensive stock markets in the world
Find out what regional stock markets look cheap or expensive and learn from our experts about investing opportunities and risks around the world.
UK equities: Q2 2024 market review and outlook
In this video, fund manager Martin Walker discusses what has been happening in UK markets, economic news and recent fund performance, plus his outlook for UK equities.
The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested.
The Fund invests in smaller companies which may result in a higher level of risk than a fund that invests in larger companies. Securities of smaller companies may be subject to abrupt price movements and may be less liquid, which may mean they are not easy to buy or sell.
As the Fund typically has a concentrated number of holdings, it may carry a higher degree of risk then a fund which invests in a broader range of holdings or takes smaller positions in a relatively large number of holdings.
The fund may use derivatives (complex instruments) in an attempt to reduce the overall risk of its investments, reduce the costs of investing and/or generate additional capital or income, although this may not be achieved. The use of such complex instruments may result in greater fluctuations of the value of the fund. The Manager, however, will ensure that the use of derivatives within the fund does not materially alter the overall risk profile of the fund.
Where individuals or the business have expressed opinions, they are based on current market conditions, they may differ from those of other investment professionals and are subject to change without notice.
For the most up to date information on our funds, please refer to the relevant fund and share class-specific Key Investor Information Documents, the Supplementary Information Document, the Annual or Interim Reports and the Prospectus, which are available using the contact details shown.