A factor play on inflation

With inflation on the rise it is about time to dust off the inflation playbook. This brief article reviews typical factor behavior during four distinct inflation regimes. In brief, Value has outperformed in rising inflation environments while Momentum and Quality are less sensitive to inflation. Finally, we argue that a diversified multi-factor approach is well-suited to deliver meaningful performance in various inflation regimes.
The re-opening of the global economy as well as favorable base effects resulting from the Covid-19 induced lockdowns have led to a prompt and meaningful rise in consumer prices. The US core consumer price index rose 3.0% through the 12 months to April, marking the sharpest increase since 1995. As a result, fears of sustained elevated inflation levels continue to roil investor sentiment, also reflected in significantly higher levels of Google search activity on inflation.

Source: Google Trends assessed 19-5-2021
The table below reviews the historical relationship between inflation and equity factor performance (for global developed markets covering a period from August 2001 until November 2020 to exclude the current period of rising inflation). We consider four different inflation regimes: Inflation above or below trend paired with rising or falling inflation expectation. The first is identified by comparing the current US CPI level vs. the 3y moving average. For inflation expectations, we look at monthly changes in the US 10y breakeven rate.

Source: Invesco, Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley Research. Period covered: 08/2001 – 11/2020. Performance shown refers to the mean annual return of the respective factor signals. Factor returns are measured as spread returns of the top vs. bottom decile in our global developed markets universe. The underlying returns are square root of market-cap weighted. The regime classifications were inspired by Morgan Stanley’s “The Inflation and Interest Rate Equity Playbook” report.
Periods of below trend and rising inflation tend to favor Value with rather pro-cyclical metrics such as book yield or gross profit yield performing best. When transitioning into an established / above trend inflation regime, cash-based Value factors such as cash flow yield outperform other Value definitions. This is in line with the general concept that Value tends to show strong performance during economic recoveries when inflation expectations return. The idea is that rising inflation should also increase discount rates, making growth stocks, with projected earnings in the more distant future, relatively less attractive than value stocks.
Conversely, Momentum, which is usually negatively correlated to Value, performs worst in periods of below average but rising inflation, suggesting that such periods are characterized by sudden market rotations and disruptions to established trends that have adverse effects on the Momentum factor. Yet, if inflation overshoots and we move into an above average inflation regime, momentum strategies show their strengths again.
Quality, on the other hand, delivers the strongest returns in periods of falling inflation expectations that often coincide with a slowdown in economic momentum. In such market regimes, Value tends to suffer the most.
In conclusion, the analysis highlights that investors tend to favor attractively valued stocks during periods of rising inflation expectations. Such an environment often implies higher-than-usual economic growth prospects which support economically sensitive, riskier value stocks.
With perfect inflation foresight, some investors may wish to tactically shift factor exposures to take advantage of the interaction between inflation and factor returns. However, timing macroeconomic regimes is arguably as difficult as timing markets. Thus, with average inflation foresight, most investors are better off diversifying their factor exposure to deliver meaningful performance in various inflation regimes.
Risk warnings
The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested.
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