
Building Paris Aligned Benchmark equity portfolios

Building Paris Aligned Benchmark equity portfolios

In a recent thought leadership piece, Invesco Quantitative Solutions (IQS) examined how factor investing can be used to create Paris Aligned Benchmark (PAB) equity portfolios that don’t take on excessive tracking error.

The Australian Equities team has taken this research a step further and examined exactly how a PAB ASX 300 portfolio can be created that not only takes on tracking error within an investor’s risk budget, but also delivers strong risk-adjusted returns.

Read the paper to learn more.

  • Don’t be blind just because a benchmark is Paris-aligned

    By Joshua Kothe, Erhard Radatz, Andre Roberts and Carsten Rother

    As investors try to structure their portfolios in accordance with the Paris climate targets, confusion may arise from the diversity of available strategies. To overcome this, we researched Paris-aligned objectives to better understand the sources of risk in low tracking error Paris-aligned portfolios using a 2-step factor-based process that balances Paris alignment with return performance.

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