
Africa 2024 – a continent of opportunity

Africa 2024 – a continent of opportunity
Key takeaways
Abundant resources

Africa has abundant resources (human, agricultural, mineral and renewable energy) but remains largely underdeveloped. That is both problem and opportunity: it can leap-frog the developed world in adopting new technologies (for example, mobile phone penetration).

Overseas investment needed

Realising its potential will require investment from overseas (in the form of aid or private sector flows). This is where the problems start, with many African countries being unattractive to outsiders or lacking the structures needed to welcome investment.

Diverse opportunity set based on country

Africa is a collection of 54 countries each with its own potential, pitfalls and openness to investment. This document dedicates two pages of charts and tables to each country and also includes a section of cross-country comparisons and where possible, puts African countries into a global context.

We believe that Africa will be the economic and investment story of this century. However, it is a continent of 54 countries, each with its own potential, pitfalls and capacity to absorb different forms of investment. In this second edition of our Africa series (the first was published in 2021), we outline the challenges facing the continent of Africa, alongside the potential that we believe exists. We examine each country in turn and draw conclusions about the possibility and desirability of investments.

Download the report below.

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