Responsible Investing at Invesco
Invesco's commitment to Responsible Investing
Our commitment to the integration of ESG as a financially material investment consideration, as well as to ESG product development, is an important part of our ambitions as an asset manager. Our fund managers integrate ESG practices into their investment processes, tailoring their approach for each asset class, and working with the companies in which they invest.

Active ownership
Engaged with 2200+ companies on ESG topics in 2020, voting on 10,000 companies annually¹.
A+ rated
For ‘Strategy & Governance’ (PRI²: Assessment Report for Invesco Ltd 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020).
Trusted partner
ESG advocacy through industry associations and participation in policy efforts.
Our global commitment to responsible investment
ESG considerations are factors, among many, that may be considered as part of a robust fundamental research process.
Our teams have access to a wide range of information, including the ESG-related practices of companies worldwide.
Our investment teams may question or challenge companies about ESG issues that could have an impact on future value.
We believe the voting of proxies should be managed with the same care as all other elements of the investment process.
Invesco recognises its corporate responsibility to help sustain a healthy, clean environment for future generations.
Invesco January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 voting statistics. Invesco ESG team as of March 2020.
PRI – United Nations sponsored Principles for Responsible Investment
Important information
This document has been prepared only for those persons to whom Invesco has provided it. It should not be relied upon by anyone else. Information contained in this document may not have been prepared or tailored for an Australian audience and does not constitute an offer of a financial product in Australia. You may only reproduce, circulate and use this document (or any part of it) with the consent of Invesco.
The information in this document has been prepared without taking into account any investor’s investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Before acting on the information the investor should consider its appropriateness having regard to their investment objectives, financial situation and needs.
You should note that this information:
- may contain references to dollar amounts which are not Australian dollars;
- may contain financial information which is not prepared in accordance with Australian law or practices;
- may not address risks associated with investment in foreign currency denominated investments; and
- does not address Australian tax issues.
While any Invesco fund referred in this page may consider Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects to better manage risks and improve returns, it is not bound by any specific ESG criteria. The fund may invest across the ESG spectrum and will not necessarily exclude companies with controversial business areas – such as those with significant revenues from coal, fossil fuel, nuclear power, weapons and tobacco – from the investable universe. Information used to evaluate ESG factors may not be readily available, complete or accurate. ESG factors may vary across types of investments and issuers, and not every ESG factor may be identified or evaluated. There is no guarantee that the evaluation of ESG considerations will be additive to the fund’s performance.
Issued in Australia by Invesco Australia Limited (ABN 48 001 693 232), Level 26, 333 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, Australia which holds an Australian Financial Services Licence number 239916.
- may contain references to dollar amounts which are not Australian dollars;