
Global Real Estate ESG+R Report 2020

Global Real Estate ESG+R Report 2020

Invesco Real Estate is committed to being good stewards of the environment in a manner consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities to clients. As our clients increasingly value Environmental, Social, Governance and Resiliency (ESG+R) issues, we have a responsibility to make ESG+R integration a priority as we conduct our business and sustain our investments.

We recognize embracing ESG+R best practices strengthens our assets’ operational efficiencies and resiliency and is synonymous with good asset management. Global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, have shown the increasing importance of continuing our proactive approach to ESG+R implementation.

ESG+R is integrated into all phases of the investment management process. We have developed and implemented an ESG+R acquisition assessment performed during our due diligence and active investment management approach. We understand the societal impact of the built environment is an important factor in creating and stabilizing communities and maintaining social cohesion.  Recognition of asset quality, long-term investment strategy, and wider ESG+R considerations around the impact of the built environment on society and the natural world are factors considered within our investment process.

We recognize the need to proactively evaluate and mitigate potential ESG+R-related risks and are taking steps to prepare our assets for the effects of a changing world. These include:

  • Managing energy, water, and waste consumption and associated costs
  • Managing regulatory changes and ensuring compliance with emissions standards that impact our assets
  • Maintaining frequent, clear, and consistent communications regarding emergency preparedness
  • Fostering diversity of thought and implementing a climate change risk management and reporting process

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