Asset allocation opportunities and market strategy

In our quarterly analysis, Invesco experts track major trends and structural issues that investors may want to consider when making asset allocation decisions.
Read our latest analysis that covers market strategy and opportunities across various asset classes.
Our Strategic Sector research covers a range of trends of topics
- What are the key economic drivers and risks?
- Which sectors are likely to outperform?
- Which sectors are likely to underperform?
- How does this affect asset allocation?
Catch up on the last few editions:
Asset allocation is the process of dividing an investment portfolio among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds and cash and so on. Bonds generally tend to be ‘safer’ investments than stocks and are, for example, seen as more defensive. Assets are allocated based on economic and monetary expectations.
Spreading the risk and number of potential opportunities across various asset classes, such as equities, fixed income and commodities. The aim of diversification is to reduce the overall risk of the portfolio.
Central banks can ‘tighten’ policy by raising interest rates. This is done to curb inflation or an overheating economy. After the pandemic, inflation rose as pent-up demand was released and supply chains issues were cleared. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine further spurred inflation due to higher energy costs. Central banks responded with a series of rate hikes, which is the tool generally used to moderate inflation.