Finding investment opportunities in global equities
Investing in global equities gives investors a simple way to build a diversified stock portfolio that can perform in different market conditions. Find out more.
Finding investment opportunities in global equities
Investing in global equities gives investors a simple way to build a diversified stock portfolio that can perform in different market conditions. Find out more.
South Korea: Reforms to resolve the ‘Korea discount’ will improve shareholder returns and valuations
In Korea, corporate governance reforms look set to tackle the ‘Korea discount’ and improve shareholder returns and stock valuations. Find out more.
How much does January matter for year-long stock performance?
Is stock performance in January indicative of what performance will be for the full year? Our research shows that the “predictive power” of January has been overstated.
Equities investment outlook: our equity market predictions for 2024
It’ll be a challenging backdrop for equities in 2024. From an investment perspective, company fundamentals are likely to become more important. Read our investment outlook for more.
CIO outlook: What are the investment opportunities for 2023?
Discover in our CIO outlook what the investment opportunities are for 2023 and why it is a market for fundamentally driven active investors. Find out more.
Don’t give up on earnings in 2022
Markets seem reluctant to believe that earnings in Europe can grow at all in 2022. Our European equities team believes this provides more of an opportunity than anything else. Find out why.
Megatrends reshaping our world
Looking ahead, we do see the light at the end of the tunnel and the eventual normalization of economies from the disruption of Covid-19. However, the ‘brave new world’ that awaits us post-pandemic is probably going to be very different from the world we’ve left behind.