We understand that you may have questions regarding your retirement investments. This is where we can get you the answers.
1. If my employee fails to complete a Membership Enrollment form to participate in an MPF scheme, what should I do?
You may provide the scheme trustee with the employee's personal particulars. The scheme trustee will then open an account for the employee and invest the MPF contribution of the member according to the Default Investment Strategy.
2. If my employee is employed by two companies, does he/she need to contribute for both employments?
Yes. Your employee will need to enroll in both companies' MPF schemes and make contribution for each employment.
3. What should I do if my company wants to participate in the Invesco Strategic MPF scheme?
You may call our hotline at 2842 7878 for detailed arrangement.
1. On top of making mandatory contribution, can I make additional contribution for my employee(s)?
Yes. You can make voluntary contributions for your employees. Normally, you can decide the governing rules in relations to the voluntary contribution, such as contribution rate or amount, vesting scales and withdrawal of benefits accrued from voluntary contribution.
2. How can I submit contribution data to the Scheme Trustee?
You may submit the contribution data by filling in the remittance statement. The remittance statement can be in the form of hardcopy, soft copy in diskette/CD ROM. Alternatively, you can also choose to submit soft copy via Invesco's Employer Website at http://www.invesco.com/hk
3. How can I submit contribution payment to the Scheme Trustee?
The payments can be made through:
- Cheque
The cheque should be made payable to "Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited as Trustee of Invesco Strategic MPF Scheme".
- Telegraphic Transfer:
Bank Name: Citibank, N.A. Hong Kong
Account Name: Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited as Trustee of Invesco Strategic MPF Scheme
Account Number: 006-391-61086592
Reference: Company Code
You may send the cheque and remittance statement to:
18/F., Cosco Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Attn: Pension Services (INV)
If you are making telegraphic transfer, please fax a copy of the transfer slip to BCT at (852) 2736 1966.
- By Direct Debit Authorization:
Complete and return the “Application & Change Form of Direct Debit Instruction (for Employer/ Self-employed Person only) for setting up Direct Debit Authorization instruction.
- By e-Cheque:
The e-cheque should be made payable to "Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited as Trustee of Invesco Strategic MPF Scheme" and submit together with the Remittance Statement soft copy to designated email address.
You may also refer to the Employer Procedure Manual for details. If you do not have one, please contact your Invesco Client Relations Manager or our hotline at 2842 7878.
4. When should I submit the contribution if the contribution day is a public holiday?
If the contribution day is a public holiday, or a gale warning day, or a black rainstorm warning day, it shall mean the following day which is not a public holiday, a gale warning day or a black rainstorm warning day.
5. Should I submit the remittance statement to the Scheme Trustee if my employee(s) have zero Relevant Income?
Yes, you have to report the employee(s) with zero relevant income in the remittance statement. Otherwise, the Scheme Trustee will report to the MPFA as default or outstanding contribution.
Termination / Withdrawal
1. When should I make the last contribution for departing employee(s)?
The last contribution should be paid within 10 days after the last day of the month in which the employee ceases employment. You should calculate the last contribution based on the employee's relevant income up to the last working day.
2. What should I do if I need to claim reimbursement of the severance payments or long service payments?
After paying the long service or severance payment (as required under the Employment Ordinance the "Relevant Amount"), you can fill in the Notice of Termination and provide a long service payment/severance payment receipt from the leaving member to Scheme Trustee to request for an offset. The Scheme Trustee will then offset the relevant amount against the accrued benefits derived from the contribution the employer has made to the employee in the MPF scheme.
For example, if the benefits accrued from the employer's contribution is $60,000 and the amount of long service payment or severance payment is $80,000, upon providing proof to the Scheme Trustee that long service payment has been paid, you can apply to withdraw $60,000 from the employer's portion to offset the long service payment or severance payment paid.
Subject as otherwise provided in the relevant participation agreement, the trust deed and to the extent permitted by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, the Relevant Amount will be first paid out of the vested portion of the Employer's Voluntary Contribution balance (including the employer's contribution transferred from ORSO, if applicable) (if any) (the “Vested Employer Voluntary Contribution”). After payment of the Vested Employer Voluntary Contribution, if any part of the Relevant Amount remains outstanding, it will then be paid out of the Employer's Mandatory Contribution balance.
Employers are encouraged to communicate to their employees if they have revised the Agreement in relation to the LSP/SP offsetting arrangement. In addition, they are also encouraged to communicate their intention to the employees with regard to LSP/SP set-off before making the set-off application to the trustee.
In addition, in offsetting long service payment or severance payment, you will need to follow other requirements set out in the Employment Ordinance concerning such payments.