Invesco Global Systematic Investing Study 2024
By focusing on the future landscape, this research offers timely perspectives on how investors are deploying (and looking to deploy) advanced methodologies to construct resilient portfolios and potentially generate alpha.
Welcome to Invesco’s Global Systematic Investing Study 2024. This year’s study continues to provide valuable insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of systematic investing, chronicling the latest innovations and how practitioners globally are leveraging advanced quantitative techniques across asset classes.
Transcript: Mo Haghbin, Head of Solutions
Welcome to the ninth iteration of Invesco's Global Systematic Investing study. The study continues to focus on the usage of systematic investing across the industry, with over 140 practitioners surveyed collectively managing more than 23 trillion in assets. This year's themes include applications and multi-asset portfolios, the evolution of multifactor strategies, the impact and use of artificial intelligence. And finally, how systematic investing is used to develop highly customized ESG strategies.
The first theme explores the rise of systematic strategies and multi-asset portfolio construction, with the acceptance of factors across more asset classes like equities and fixed income. Investors have now embraced systematic strategies in the construction of more resilient multi-asset portfolios. An adaptive and data driven approach now allows investors to use these strategies to navigate a wider investment universe and more complex macro environment.
In the second theme, the study explores how multifactor strategies have become more mainstream as investors seek and more precise way to capture the broader spectrum of return opportunities. The study also seeks to understand how investors are addressing concerns around equity market concentration through a more diversified approach and factor allocations.
In the third theme, we continue to explore the rise of artificial intelligence in the investment process while AI usage has increased year over year. This hasn't come without challenges. Respondents identified data availability and quality as a concern alongside regulatory and governance considerations. In addition, investors continue to evaluate the economic rationale of any new factor or signal that are generated by these new techniques.
In the fourth and final theme, the study continues to explore the relationship between systematic investing and ESG implementation. The study has found systematic approaches have become increasingly popular due to their ability to offer more scalable customization.
thank you for your interest in this year's report.
We hope you enjoyed these valuable insights and look forward to engaging with you on this year's study.
Systematic investing: the future landscape
Based on interviews with 131 systematic investors — defined as investors that employ structured, rules-based quantitative models and algorithms to make investment decisions — this research collects the opinions of senior decision-makers responsible for managing $22.3 trillion in assets (as of March 31, 2024).
Key themes
The research identified four main themes: The embracement of systematic strategies to construct multi-asset portfolios, the evolution of multi-factor strategies into a standard approach, the expanding role of artificial intelligence (AI) in investment processes, and the increasing demand for customised solutions to meet investors’ sustainability objectives.
Navigating complexity: The rise of systematic strategies in multi-asset portfolio construction
Institutional and wholesale investors consider varying factors when constructing multi-asset portfolios, such as maintaining liquidity and minimising volatility. These factors align closely with the capabilities of systematic strategies, which offer investors a powerful tool for achieving their investment objectives. As one North American institutional investor noted, “We’re moving beyond static allocations to a more dynamic, data-driven approach that can better navigate volatility and capture opportunities across asset classes.”
Rate the following factors in order of importance for multi-asset portfolio construction: (Score 1-10 where 10 is very important). Grouped by Investor Institutional/Wholesale, chart shows the factors used by respondents to construct multi-asset portfolios. Liquidity constraints: 8.0/7.4, Minimising volatility: 7.8/7.6, Low correlation of assets: 7.6/7.8, Minimising drawdowns: 7.4/8.0, Maximising Sharpe ratio: 7.2/7.2.
The evolution of multi-factor investment strategies
The second theme explores the evolving dynamics of multi-factor investing, which is now the norm as factor returns create opportunities and challenges for investors. For example, as mega-cap tech stock dominance increased concentration risk, investors have sought solutions through factor investing — including an increase in allocations to Value as a potential hedge.
Over the last 12 months, have you increased, decreased, or maintained your allocations to these factors (ignoring market impacts)?
AI’s expanding role: From investment tool to strategic imperative
AI’s transformation from investors using it as a peripheral tool to applying it to their investment processes, such as for portfolio optimisation, is the focus of the third theme. AI applications in investment are diverse and expanding, and emerging applications are gaining traction rapidly. For instance, 47% of investors use AI for sentiment analysis of news, earnings calls, and social media, up from 35% in 2023. This real-time gauge of market sentiment offers a potential edge in fast-moving markets.
How do you use AI in your investment process? Grouped by 2023/2024, chart shows how AI is used in the investment process by respondents. Identify patterns and trends in market behaviour: 84/90, Optimise portfolio allocation and risk management: 69/70, Develop and test investment strategies: 53/67, Perform sentiment analysis on news, earnings calls and social media: 35/47, Monitor and adjust investment positions in real time: 35/42, Automate timing of trading decisions: 16/19.
An active approach to ESG: The rise of customised, systematic strategies
The fourth theme explores a shift toward investors employing a systematic approach to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their portfolios. According to one institutional investor from Europe, “Off-the-shelf ESG solutions no longer suffice. We need the ability to fine-tune our ESG approach to reflect our specific priorities and the unique ESG challenges in our investment universe. Systematic strategies give us the tools to do that.”
To what extent are you using a systematic approach to implement ESG? Divided by 2023/2024, chart shows to what extent respondents are using a systematic approach to implement ESG. Not using systematic approach: 37/33, Moderately systematic approach: 50/52, Highly systematic approach: 13/15.
Invesco's offering
Invesco is a leading practitioner in factor investing with a long history of delivering innovative outcome-based solutions to clients. Discover our range of solutions which bring the strength of Invesco’s factor capabilities to your portfolio below.
Factor investing is a systematic, evidence-based investment approach that targets certain characteristics of an asset, called factors, which tell us something useful about the security’s expected return or risk. It is an investment process based on evidence and empirical research in which every asset return, and hence every portfolio, can be broken down into a set of factors that drive risk and returns. We can specifically structure a portfolio around investment factors. Some of the most common investment factors are value, momentum, quality and low volatility. By investing in assets and portfolios with attractive factor characteristics, investors can aim to earn a premium over the long-term. Factor Investing is the result of profound academic research, starting with the first one-factor model developed in the 1960s.
The idea behind factor investing is to systematically exploit the drivers of risk and return and thereby to generate portfolios that deliver a better risk-return profile. Factor investing can be seen as a third distinct approach alongside market weighted indexing and traditional active. Depending on the application and complexity of the approaches, it usually lies somewhere between the other two options in both expected value-add and cost. It also has key advantages like transparency, scalability, and cost when compared to traditional active approaches, while not giving up the ability to customize, control risk and pursue higher returns as with market cap weighted investing.
Some of the common factors targeted are the following:
Value: cheaply valued stocks are expected to produce higher returns. The simple rationale for the value factor is that it makes sense to expect that buying an asset which is cheaply valued will produce higher subsequent returns than buying when it is expensively valued. The greater return potential of ‘value’ versus its opposite of ‘growth’ was identified by Basu in 1977 and has been widely researched and measured since then.
Momentum: stocks that have performed strongly in the past are expected to continue doing so. The momentum factor describes the phenomenon that stocks that have performed well in the past have tended to continue to do so – at least over the near term. It was first identified in 1993 by Jegadeesh and Titman who found that buying past winners and selling past losers was a strategy that produced excess returns.
Quality: better quality companies expect to produce better returns than lower quality companies. Factor-based strategies address quality by selecting holdings according to balance sheet measures of quality, such as return on equity and financial leverage.
Volatility: low volatility stocks expect to outperform high volatility stocks on a risk-adjusted basis. The rationale for why stocks with historically low volatility may produce higher risk-adjusted returns is that they are typically stable, more defensive companies. Although they may have more limited growth prospects, they tend to have stronger balance sheets, typically pay dividends and can grow earnings and dividends even in a lower economic growth environment. The low volatility factor was first identified in the early 1970s by Haugen and Heins.
The reasons for the existence of factor returns may differ among academics and practitioners but they all have one thing in common: Rationales for investment factors come in one of three forms; risk premia, behavioural anomalies and market structure:
Risk premia: the factor compensates for carrying systematic risk.
Behavioural anomalies: the factor is rooted in persistent, but not necessarily rational investor behaviour.
Market structure: the factor premium potentially results from the structure of the industry, market constraints, or similar.
It can be difficult to establish a definitive link between factor performance and behavioural phenomena, and there is a temptation to use this as a catch-all rationalisation where evidence of risk premia or structural influences have not been demonstrated. Even when investor behaviour does appear, on the surface, to be irrational - this may reflect some other unobserved but rational motivation for the behaviour. For this reason, it cannot be assumed that the market will overcome apparent behavioural anomalies by investors learning to trade more rationally.
While factor investing is well established in equities, the rationale behind factor investing is not asset class-specific and is equally powerful when applied to fixed income portfolios. It has been seen that there are factors like value, carry and low volatility that can explain the drivers of risk and return of fixed income portfolios.
Investment risks
The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested.
Important information
This is marketing material and not financial advice. It is not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any particular asset class, security or strategy. Regulatory requirements that require impartiality of investment/investment strategy recommendations are therefore not applicable nor are any prohibitions to trade before publication. Views and opinions are based on current market conditions and are subject to change. Further information on our products is available using the contact details shown.