Fixed Income ETF Flows
Flows into fixed income ETFs continued at a robust pace with NNA of $6.8bn taking the year-to-date total to $51.3bn, and potentially on course to beat last year’s record $68bn NNA. Interestingly, with the Fed cutting rates and yields rallying, there were some changes with regards to which asset classes were favoured over the month. For example, US Treasuries, which are the second strongest category for inflows so far this year, experienced net selling during September, while emerging market governments saw strong inflows having previously been out of favour. Nevertheless, a broad range of fixed income asset classes saw material inflows over the month.
EUR-denominated investment grade credit was by far the strongest category for inflows during September, taking in $1.7bn, followed by EM government bonds with $1.0bn, mostly favouring hard currency exposures. Fixed maturity ($0.8bn), Cash management ($0.8bn), Gilts ($0.7bn), USD investment grade ($0.5bn), Floating rate ($0.5bn), Aggregate ($0.5bn) and High Yield ($0.3bn) all saw strong inflows. US Treasuries saw the strongest net outflows (-$0.5bn), although it’s worth noting that it was longer duration products that saw net selling, while shorter duration products experienced net inflows.