Unravelling the world of investments – Reasons to use a financial adviser

Few people really have the time or inclination to understand the hundreds of financial products currently on the market and the best options to suit their particular needs – to do so would be a full time job. The great news is that professional advice is easily available to guide you in selecting the right investment products for you. Not sure?
Here are some of the reasons why we always recommend seeking advice from a financial adviser.
To navigate the sea of financial products
With a burgeoning choice of products on the market, and considering the busy lives we all lead, it can be difficult to find the time to keep fully up to speed with everything that’s going on. Especially when you consider that financial products are unlikely to remain the same throughout your lifetime. A financial adviser will discuss your investment objectives with you, understand which products are available and identify which will best suit your investment needs.
To help understand the world of finance
Fluent in the language of finance, financial advisers can act as excellent translators of current events. So whether you would like to understand the implications of a decrease in interest rates, or of a change in pension legislation, a financial adviser will be able to discuss how each directly affects you.
To find the right balance
Investment is as much about managing the potential downside as it is about targeting potential gains. Generally, higher returns come with higher risk and a financial adviser can help you think about your attitude to risk before making any recommendations. They will make sure your portfolio has the right balance for your risk profile, by diversifying across asset classes, regions, providers and products, as applicable.
To help you spend and save
To plan successfully, a key step is to think about your long-term financial future. A financial adviser will help you consider how much you spend and how much you can afford to put aside now. Whether you can save £10 or £1,000 a month, they will help you make the most of your money and put an achievable plan in place.
To keep you on track
As time passes and your lifestyle changes, it is important to keep a regular check on your investments. It is likely that the balance of the investments in your portfolio will need to evolve, not only in line with changing market conditions, but also with factors such as your investment goals, your personal circumstances and perhaps most notably your age. A financial adviser will help you review your investments regularly to make sure you are still on track.
For peace of mind
Money is a complicated subject and there are many things you need to think about to both manage it, and to make the most of it. Stockmarkets can be volatile, and any information you gather from the media can often be exaggerated, whether positively or negatively. Taking advice from a financial adviser takes the emphasis from you and puts it into the hands of an expert.
For details of your nearest financial adviser, visit www.unbiased.co.uk.