Combining traditional investment portfolios and guaranteed income in a holistic way can yield a better outcome than an approach which simply bolts the two together; by thoughtfully considering both components and how they complement one another upfront, a solution can be created that is greater than the sum of its parts.
The below brochure illustrates our framework for considering and combining the two components. It should become clear through these illustrations that the problem is a complex one, with several – often competing – objectives at play. Our framework aims to simplify as much as possible while balancing these various objectives.
The specific goal of this analysis is to have very high probability of success (defined as maintaining high lifetime income) among all the investment solutions being compared, but also increase the likelihood of a strong legacy outcome in the invested portfolio to leave to loved ones.
Explore more in our brochure which includes an analysis of which investment solutions may be suitable for 3 different personas of investors.