EHS management
Our commitment is to protect all Invesco employees and contractors and minimize risk through prevention of illness, injury and environmental impact.
76% of occupied offices
are ISO 14001 certified
EMS review
conducted annually
Low safety risk
continued at facilities
Invesco protects the environment and the health and safety of our employees, contractors, clients and the public by conducting business in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner. This is the foundation of our environmental, health and safety (EHS) management approach.
Our Global Corporate Occupational Health and Safety Policy and our Global Corporate Carbon Emissions and Environmental Policy outline our commitment. These policies apply to every site and employee where we operate and articulate our ambitions to:
- Deliver all work activities in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner to protect the environment and prevent pollution while supporting the successful growth of our business.
- Promote energy efficiency and avoidance of waste, including through appropriate conservation measures in the design and use of buildings and equipment.
- Procure 100 percent renewable electricity, where practicable, in the buildings where we operate.
- Comply with all applicable compliance obligations.
- Implement waste management and minimization practices through the hierarchy approach; reduce, reuse and recycle, energy recovery and disposal.
- Utilize Invesco’s Procurement Policy that establishes ESG matters as a specific selection criterion in the vendor selection process.
- Reduce emissions arising from energy and transport use.
- Implement ISO 14001 standards of sustainability and LEED in the spaces we occupy and achieve a certification where practicable.
In 2022, Invesco achieved ISO 14001:2015 recertification, which affirms our efforts to improve our environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and a reduction of waste.
Global environmental targets
We recognize the need to set global targets to reduce our environmental impact, then continuously implement opportunities to achieve them. Progress against our targets is reviewed on an annual basis by Invesco’s senior management.
Our environmental reporting boundary includes all owned offices in our global corporate properties’ portfolio. Having a comprehensive measurement of our environmental impact across offices helps us deliver on our commitments and drive environmental performance in the areas of energy use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water consumption and waste production.
2022 Global environmental targets
Target | 2022 Progress |
Reduce our energy use and emissions output in line with Science Based Targets by 4.2% year-on-year and by 46% by 2030 | 43% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions (location-based) against 2019 baseline year 23% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions (location-based) against 2021 33% increase in Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions (location-based) against 2021 7.8% increase in Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions (market-based) against 2021 |
Retain Global ISO 14001: 2015 Certification | Annual third-party continuous assessments completed with zero major nonconformances raised globally |
Continue to offset corporate air and rail travel emissions | Annual corporate travel offset completed, offsetting 2,567 tonnes CO2e |
Engage in and support a minimum of two environmental and community events and initiatives per year | Events completed through Invesco Cares, Green Teams programming and other initiatives |
Environmental Management System
Our Environmental Management System (EMS) serves as a framework for how we manage our environmental impact at our Henley, London, Dublin, Frankfurt, Toronto, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, New York, Charlottetown, Downers Grove and Hyderabad offices. Our EMS meets ISO 14001 requirements and other relevant compliance obligations and is assured by the British Standards Institute through continuing assessments on an annual basis, with recertification audits taking place every three years. We also conduct an annual internal review of our EMS at both the global and location levels. These environmental assessments take into consideration risks, opportunities and compliance obligations associated with environmental aspects. Results from reviews are used to identify the areas for improvement and environmental control procedures.
To ensure the effective management and continuous improvement of Invesco’s EMS, we assigned operational EMS responsibilities to Corporate Properties, supported by local facilities teams and subcontracted services.
Invesco is committed to ensuring the occupational health, safety and well-being of its employees, contractors and visitors to its offices and events. The health and safety of our staff, clients, contractors and visitors is of paramount importance. Invesco also uses an independent consultant S2 Partnership Ltd. and its IT operating platform RiskWise to perform audits in all facilities around the world for safety risk and to ensure that our operations are in line with local regulations and international best practices. In 2022, 100 percent of our risks were controlled.