Green teams
Our Green Teams organized 13 events in 2022, with overall participation from Invesco employees worldwide.

Key highlights
Plastic Free July
Spearheaded by the Houston Green Team and rolled out globally, Invesco employees promoted ways to cut down on single-use plastics (SUP) throughout the month. Results included Invesco Dublin reducing SUP in the canteen and vending machines. At the Henley campus, employees worked with catering to reduce SUP items in the restaurant and began procuring biodegradable bin bags for site waste. In Taipei, employees have been provided with their own reusable utensils.
World Humanitarian Day
To celebrate this day of people helping people, activity step challenges were hosted in Louisville and Dublin, with case studies of local heroes posted on internal Yammer pages.
World Wildlife Day
Invesco Frankfurt hosted a youth art competition held for staff children to promote awareness and importance of biodiversity/ ecosystem conservation.
Earth Day
Invesco colleagues in Taiwan held a clean-up hike at the Xiangshan Trail in Taipei, hiking and picking up garbage along the trail.
In 2022, our Frankfurt office was particularly active in giving back to the local community. In recognition of World Water Day, our facilities team organized a vegan brunch for the office, raising awareness about the global environmental impact of meat and dairy consumption. As part of the Green Team’s Global Awareness Calendar, Frankfurt employees also partnered with Die Welle to collect trash in green spaces, as part of World Cleanup Day. The office also organized a collection of groceries for the Frankfurter Tafel, a food shelf supporting families in need.