Asset allocation Enhance your business
Grow your practice and optimize your team’s performance in a complex and competitive environment.
Partnering with estate attorneys, accountants, and other centers of influence for high-net-worth (HNW) referrals.
Six traits of elite financial professionals who’ve successfully built strategic partnerships for HNW referrals.
“The Referral Code,” our business-building program that is aimed at teaching you how to crack the code for successful partnerships.
Estate attorneys and accountants likely have clients you’d like too. Cracking the code on how to build a strategic partnership that leads to an annuitized flow of referrals is challenging. But elite financial professionals have succeeded in doing that, and we have figured out how.
Our business-building program, “The Referral Code,” is the culmination of years of research on how top financial professionals have succeeded at this process and our own field-level experience coaching them too. We’ve identified six traits of elite financial professionals, including:
Increasing income is a core goal, and they put in the work to achieve it through excellent work habits and focusing their time and energy on the big issues that may drive profitability.
They’re focused on implementing business plans designed to achieve long-term goals. They persevere through initial failure and adversity, learning from their mistakes and adjusting to improve their chances of success.
They’re more successful for two key reasons. First, they use a methodical system, which we'll show you. Second, they make a commitment to it; they don’t drop off due to distraction or disappointment.
It's all part of our focus on you. Invesco Total CX is a powerful all-in-one platform that is designed to empower you to achieve greater possibilities for your clients, business, and portfolios.
Grow your practice and optimize your team’s performance in a complex and competitive environment.
Elevate your client interactions with the support of our time-tested client-management strategies, insights and resources.
Strengthen your investment process and outcomes with a range of products and expert guidance.
"The Referral Code" is based on Invesco Global Consulting's work with Cerulli Associates, R.A. Prince & Associates, Inc. and on the book, RainMaker: Strategic Partnering with Attorneys and Accountants to Create a Pipeline of New Affluent Clients, by Russ Alan Prince and Brett Van Bortel, published by the National Underwriter Company (2006). Used with permission. Invesco Distributors, Inc. is affiliated with neither Cerulli Associates, R.A. Prince & Associates, Inc. nor Russ Alan Prince.
Invesco Global Consulting programs are for illustrative, informational and educational purposes. We make no guarantee that participation in any programs or utilization of their content will result in increased business for any financial professional.
Please note that the term "partnership" does not signify a formal legal relationship. It is simply intended to describe a mutual, informal relationship among professionals.
This program is neutral to the practice of fee-sharing with other professionals. This program espouses the potential benefits of using indirect financial incentives as one of the ways to build your business, and should be considered in conjunction with your firm's overall review of its business practices for potential conflicts.
It is important to remember that any outside business activity including referral networks be conducted in accordance with your firm's policies and procedures. Should you have any questions on these programs, please consult your branch manager and/or compliance representative for additional information.
HNW = high-net-worth = $1 million to $ 5 million in liquid financial assets
The opinions expressed are those of the author and are subject to change without notice. These opinions may differ from those of other Invesco investment professionals.
All data created by Invesco Global Consulting unless otherwise noted.
Note: Not all products, materials or services available at all firms. Financial professionals should contact their home offices.
This link takes you to a site not affiliated with Invesco. The site is for informational purposes only. Invesco does not guarantee nor take any responsibility for any of the content.